Source code for

import logging
import threading
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from queue import Queue
from typing import Iterable, List, Callable

import praw

class AbstractBot(ABC):
    Abstract bot class.

    def __init__(self, reddit: praw.Reddit,
                 subreddits: Iterable = None,
                 name: str = "AbstractBot",
        Default constructor

        :param reddit: Reddit instance
        :param subreddits: List of subreddits
        :param n_jobs: Number of jobs for parallelization

        if subreddits is None:
            subreddits = []  # type: List[str]

        if n_jobs < 1:
            raise Exception('You need at least one worker thread.')

        self._subs = subreddits
        self._name = name
        self._reddit = reddit
        self._n_jobs = n_jobs
        self._stop = False
        self._threads = []  # type: List[BotThread]
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def start(self):
        Start this bot.

    def stop(self):
        Stops this bot.

        Returns as soon as all running threads have finished processing.
        self.log.debug('Stopping bot {}'.format(self._name))
        self._stop = True
        for t in self._threads:

        self.log.debug('Stopping bot {} finished. All threads joined.'.format(self._name))

    def _do_stop(self, q: Queue, threads: List[threading.Thread]):
        # For each thread: put None into the queue to stop the thread from polling
        for i in range(self._n_jobs):

        # Join threads
        for t in threads:

class AbstractCommentBot(AbstractBot):
    def _process_comment(self, comment: praw.models.Comment):
        """Process a single comment"""

    def _listen_comments(self):
        """Start listening to comments, using a separate thread."""
        # Collect comments in a queue
        comments_queue = Queue(maxsize=self._n_jobs * 4)

        threads = []  # type: List[BotQueueWorker]


            # Create n_jobs CommentsThreads
            for i in range(self._n_jobs):
                t = BotQueueWorker(name='CommentThread-t-{}'.format(i),

            # Iterate over all comments in the comment stream
            for comment in self._reddit.subreddit('+'.join(self._subs)).stream.comments():

                # Check for stopping
                if self._stop:
                    self._do_stop(comments_queue, threads)


            self.log.debug('Listen comments stopped')
        except Exception as e:
            self._do_stop(comments_queue, threads)
            self.log.error('Exception while listening to comments:')
            self.log.error('Waiting for 10 minutes and trying again.')
            time.sleep(10 * 60)

            # Retry

    def start(self):
        Starts this bot in a separate thread. Therefore, this call is non-blocking.

        It will listen to all new comments created in the :attr:`~subreddits` list.
        comments_thread = BotThread(name='{}-comments-stream-thread'.format(self._name),
        self._threads.append(comments_thread)'Starting comments stream ...')

class AbstractSubmissionBot(AbstractBot):
    def _process_submission(self, submission: praw.models.Submission):
        """Process a single submission"""

    def _listen_submissions(self):
        """Start listening to submissions, using a separate thread."""
        # Collect submissions in a queue
        subs_queue = Queue(maxsize=self._n_jobs * 4)

        threads = []  # type: List[BotQueueWorker]

            # Create n_jobs SubmissionThreads
            for i in range(self._n_jobs):
                t = BotQueueWorker(name='SubmissionThread-t-{}'.format(i),

            # Iterate over all comments in the comment stream
            for submission in self._reddit.subreddit('+'.join(self._subs)).stream.submissions():

                # Check for stopping
                if self._stop:
                    self._do_stop(subs_queue, threads)


            self.log.debug('Listen submissions stopped')
        except Exception as e:
            self._do_stop(subs_queue, threads)
            self.log.error('Exception while listening to submissions:')
            self.log.error('Waiting for 10 minutes and trying again.')
            time.sleep(10 * 60)

            # Retry:

    def start(self):
        Starts this bot in a separate thread. Therefore, this call is non-blocking.

        It will listen to all new submissions created in the :attr:`~subreddits` list.
        submissions_thread = BotThread(name='{}-submissions-stream-thread'.format(self._name),
        self._threads.append(submissions_thread)'Starting submissions stream ...')

class AbstractMessageBot(AbstractBot):
    def __init__(self, reddit: praw.Reddit,
                 name: str = "AbstractInboxBot",
        Default constructor

        :param reddit: Reddit instance
        :param n_jobs: Number of jobs for parallelization
        super().__init__(reddit=reddit, name=name, n_jobs=n_jobs)

    def _process_inbox_message(self, submission: praw.models.Message):
        """Process a single message"""

    def _listen_inbox_messages(self):
        """Start listening to messages, using a separate thread."""
        # Collect messages in a queue
        inbox_queue = Queue(maxsize=self._n_jobs * 4)

        threads = []  # type: List[BotQueueWorker]

            # Create n_jobs inbox threads
            for i in range(self._n_jobs):
                t = BotQueueWorker(name='InboxThread-t-{}'.format(i),

            # Iterate over all messages in the messages stream
            for message in
                # Check for stopping
                if self._stop:
                    self._do_stop(inbox_queue, threads)


            self.log.debug('Listen inbox stopped')
        except Exception as e:
            self._do_stop(inbox_queue, threads)
            self.log.error('Exception while listening to inbox:')
            self.log.error('Waiting for 10 minutes and trying again.')
            time.sleep(10 * 60)

            # Retry:

    def start(self):
        Starts this bot in a separate thread. Therefore, this call is non-blocking.

        It will listen to all new inbox messages created.
        inbox_thread = BotThread(name='{}-inbox-stream-thread'.format(self._name),
        self._threads.append(inbox_thread)'Starting inbox stream ...')

[docs]class CommentBot(AbstractCommentBot): """ This bot listens to incoming comments and calls the provided method :code:`func_comment` as :code:`func_comment(comment, *func_comment_args)` for each :code:`comment` that is submitted in the given :code:`subreddits`. Creates a bot that listens to comments in a list of subreddits and calls a given function on each new comment. :param reddit: :class:`praw.Reddit` instance. Check :ref:`setup` on how to create it. :param name: Bot name :param func_comment: Comment function. It needs to accept a :class:`praw.models.Comment` object and may take more arguments. For each comment created in :code:`subreddits`, a :class:`praw.models.Comment` object and all :code:`fun_comments_args` are passed to :code:`func_comment` as arguments. :param func_comment_args: Comment function arguments. :param subreddits: List of subreddit names. Example: :code:`['AskReddit', 'Videos', ...]` :param n_jobs: Number of parallel threads that are started when calling :func:`~CommentBot.start` to process in the incoming comments. **Example usage**:: # Write a parsing method def parse(comment): if 'banana' in comment.body: comment.reply('This comment is bananas.') reddit = praw.Reddit(...) # Create a PRAW Reddit instance bot = CommentBot(reddit=reddit, func_comment=parse) bot.start() """ def __init__(self, reddit: praw.Reddit, name: str = "CommentBot", func_comment: Callable[[praw.models.Comment], None] = None, func_comment_args: List = None, subreddits: Iterable = None, n_jobs=4): super().__init__(reddit, subreddits, name, n_jobs) # Enable comment processing if proper method was given if func_comment is not None: if func_comment_args is None: func_comment_args = [] self._func_comment = func_comment self._func_comment_args = func_comment_args def _process_comment(self, comment: praw.models.Comment): """ Process a reddit comment. Calls `func_comment(*func_comment_args)`. :param comment: Comment to process """ self._func_comment(comment, *self._func_comment_args)
[docs]class MessageBot(AbstractMessageBot): """ This bot listens to incoming inbox messages and calls the provided method :code:`func_message` as :code:`func_message(message, *func_message_args)` for each :code:`message` that is new in the inbox. :param reddit: :class:`praw.Reddit` instance. Check :ref:`setup` on how to create it. :param name: Bot name :param func_message: Message function. It needs to accept a :class:`praw.models.Message` object and may take more arguments. For each new message in the inbox, a :class:`praw.models.Message` object and all :code:`fun_message_args` are passed to :code:`func_message` as arguments. :param func_message_args: Message function arguments. :param n_jobs: Number of parallel threads that are started when calling :func:`~MessageBot.start` to process in the incoming messages. **Example usage**:: # Write a parsing method def parse(message): message.reply('Hello you!') reddit = praw.Reddit(...) # Create a PRAW Reddit instance bot = MessageBot(reddit=reddit, func_message=parse) bot.start() """ def __init__(self, reddit: praw.Reddit, name: str = "InboxBot", func_message: Callable[[praw.models.Message], None] = None, func_message_args: List = None, n_jobs=1): super().__init__(reddit=reddit, name=name, n_jobs=n_jobs) # Enable comment processing if proper method was given if func_message is not None: if func_message_args is None: func_message_args = [] self._func_message = func_message self._func_message_args = func_message_args def _process_inbox_message(self, message: praw.models.Message): """ Process a reddit inbox message. Calls `func_message(message, *func_message_args)`. :param message: Item to process """ self._func_message(message, *self._func_message_args)
[docs]class SubmissionBot(AbstractSubmissionBot): """ Bottr Bot instance that can take a method :code:`func_submission` and calls that method as :code:`func_submission(submission, *func_submission_args)` Can listen to new submissions made on a given list of subreddits. :param reddit: :class:`praw.Reddit` instance. Check `here <>`_ on how to create it. :param name: Bot name :param func_submission: Submission function. It needs to accept a :class:`praw.models.Submission` object and may take more arguments. For each submission created in :code:`subreddits`, a :class:`praw.models.Submission` object and all :code:`fun_submission_args` are passed to :code:`func_submission` as arguments. :param func_submission_args: submission function arguments. :param subreddits: List of subreddit names. Example: :code:`['AskReddit', 'Videos', ...]` :param n_jobs: Number of parallel threads that are started when calling :func:`~SubmissionBot.start` to process in the incoming submissions. **Example usage**:: # Write a parsing method def parse(submission): if 'banana' in submission.title: submission.reply('This submission is bananas.') reddit = praw.Reddit(...) # Create a PRAW Reddit instance bot = SubmissionBot(reddit=reddit, func_submission=parse) bot.start() """ def __init__(self, reddit: praw.Reddit, name: str = "SubmissionBot", func_submission: Callable[[praw.models.Comment], None] = None, func_submission_args: List = None, subreddits: Iterable = None, n_jobs=4): super().__init__(reddit, subreddits, name, n_jobs) # Enable comment processing if proper method was given if func_submission is not None: if func_submission_args is None: func_submission_args = [] self._func_submission = func_submission self._func_submission_args = func_submission_args def _process_submission(self, submission: praw.models.Submission): """ Process a reddit submission. Calls `func_comment(*func_comment_args)`. :param submission: Comment to process """ self._func_submission(submission, *self._func_submission_args)
class BotThread(threading.Thread, ABC): """ A thread running bot tasks. """ def __init__(self, name: str, target: classmethod = None, *args): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._args = args self._target = target = name self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run(self): self._call() def _call(self): self._target(*self._args) class BotQueueWorker(BotThread): """ A worker thread that works on a given queue. It is polling new jobs from the queue and processes it. """ def __init__(self, name: str, jobs: Queue = None, target: classmethod = None, *args): """ Initialize this worker. :param name: Name :param jobs: Job queue :param bot: Bot object :param args: Additional arguments """ super().__init__(name=name, target=target, *args) self._jobs = jobs def _call(self, *args): while True: # Blocks if no item available e = self._jobs.get() self.log.debug('{} processing element: {}'.format(self._name, e)) # If None is in queue, exit if e is None: break # Process the element self._target(e, *args) self._jobs.task_done()