Source code for bottr.util

import logging
import re
import time
from typing import Callable, Any, List

import praw

"""Rate limit regular expression to extract the time in minutes/seconds"""
RATELIMIT = re.compile(r'in (\d+) (minutes|seconds)')

util_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def parse_wait_time(text: str) -> int:
    """Parse the waiting time from the exception"""
    val = RATELIMIT.findall(text)
    if len(val) > 0:
            res = val[0]
            if res[1] == 'minutes':
                return int(res[0]) * 60

            if res[1] == 'seconds':
                return int(res[0])
        except Exception as e:
            util_logger.warning('Could not parse ratelimit: ' + str(e))
    return 1 * 60

[docs]def handle_rate_limit(func: Callable[[Any], Any], *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Calls :code:`func` with given arguments and handle rate limit exceptions. :param func: Function to call :param args: Argument list for :code:`func` :param kwargs: Dict arguments for `func` :returns: :code:`func` result """ error_count = 0 while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if error_count > 3: util_logger.error('Retried to call <{}> 3 times without success. ' 'Continuing without calling it.'.format(func.__name__)) break if 'DELETED_COMMENT' in str(e): util_logger.warning('The comment has been deleted. ' 'Function <{}> was not executed.'.format(func.__name__)) break wait = parse_wait_time(str(e)) util_logger.error(e) util_logger.warning('Waiting ~{} minutes'.format(round(float(wait + 30) / 60))) time.sleep(wait + 30) error_count += 1
[docs]def check_comment_depth(comment: praw.models.Comment, max_depth=3) -> bool: """ Check if comment is in a allowed depth range :param comment: :class:`praw.models.Comment` to count the depth of :param max_depth: Maximum allowed depth :return: True if comment is in depth range between 0 and max_depth """ count = 0 while not comment.is_root: count += 1 if count > max_depth: return False comment = comment.parent() return True
[docs]def init_reddit(creds_path='creds.props') -> praw.Reddit: """Initialize the reddit session by reading the credentials from the file at :code:`creds_path`. :param creds_path: Properties file with the credentials. **Example file**:: client_id=CLIENT_ID client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET password=PASSWORD user_agent=USER_AGENT username=USERNAME """ with open(creds_path) as f: prop_lines = [l.replace('\n','').split('=') for l in f.readlines()] f.close() props = {l[0]: l[1] for l in prop_lines} return praw.Reddit(**props)
[docs]def get_subs(subs_file='subreddits.txt', blacklist_file='blacklist.txt') -> List[str]: """ Get subs based on a file of subreddits and a file of blacklisted subreddits. :param subs_file: List of subreddits. Each sub in a new line. :param blacklist_file: List of blacklisted subreddits. Each sub in a new line. :return: List of subreddits filtered with the blacklisted subs. **Example files**:: sub0 sub1 sub2 ... """ # Get subs and blacklisted subs subsf = open(subs_file) blacklf = open(blacklist_file) subs = [b.lower().replace('\n','') for b in subsf.readlines()] blacklisted = [b.lower().replace('\n','') for b in blacklf.readlines()] subsf.close() blacklf.close() # Filter blacklisted subs_filtered = list(sorted(set(subs).difference(set(blacklisted)))) return subs_filtered